On a commercial break from watching the Oscars last night, I randomly asked Matt what I should write my next blog post about, as I haven’t written anything recently. Unexpectedly, he had answer right away: “Well, that church story is a great one.”
Ah yes, it is. But first, some background information: after getting engaged, we did attend church quite a bit and then of course had the full Catholic ceremony for our wedding, but since then, have only attended sporadically, on mostly the major holidays and the occasional free Sunday. I’m not even baptized (gasp!)
Because I am not sure who may end up reading this, I won’t get into the specific details of how exactly it happened, but what happened is this: I accidentally ended up on a church communications committee!
(Pause to let those of you who know me well finish laughing).
Now, as the fourth member of said communications committee, I am responsible for helping with a monthly newsletter to more than 1,000 parishioners and updates to the church’s Facebook page. The other committee members are older men, and only one of them is even remotely involved in communications in his career. Needless to say, they are very grateful to have me, even though they might not be if they knew it wasn’t my original intent. Anyway, my first issue was emailed out at the beginning of February and I leaned heavily on my memory of my Catholicism classes at Creighton for story ideas. When I couldn’t come up with anything, I turned to www.Allrecipes.com for some meatless Lenten recipes to include and wrote an article and prayer for Fat Tuesday and how to make Mardi Gras meaningful. The other guys filled in the rest of the space with blurbs about upcoming events.
While me writing for a Catholic e-newsletter might seem hilarious, even ironic to some (myself included), I just have to remember: I enjoy writing and I enjoy working in groups.
And this group really seems to like working with me, too. On our latest conference call, giving me my own column was even discussed! I’m not quite ready for that yet, BUT because I’m competitive, I need March’s issue to be the best, most read, most opened, most forwarded one yet. Story ideas welcome.
God bless. ;)
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